Internal / Management Audit


It is a dynamic profession involved in helping organisations achieve their objectives. It is concerned with evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes in an organisation


  1. Cost control and departments efficiency to increase profits
  2. Accuracy of financial statements
  3. Compliance of all applicable laws
  4. Prevention of fraud
  5. Safeguarding of resources including assets and manpower


Process Study (One time):

1. Understanding each and every processes of an entity
2. Identifying the process gaps based on best practices prevailing in the industry
3. Giving recommendations to fill the gaps based on cost benefit analysis
4. Implementing the recommendations based on management approval

Internal Audit (Monthly/Quarterly):

5. Reassessing the renewed processes based on the above steps
6. Identifying transaction gaps (Transaction level issues)
7. Identifying risk profile attached to each transaction gap
8. Giving recommendations to fill the transaction gaps.
9. Reporting the transaction gaps & our recommendations with HODs and management for sign off
10. Reviewing the transactions to prevent reoccurrence of such gap on monthly/quarterly basis


• Accounts & Compliances
• Finance
• Purchase
• Production
• Marketing
• Sales
• Budget Analysis
• Safety and Security
• Human Resource
• Others (Specific as per sector requirement)